Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Best Days of Your Life

The Best Days of Your Life

A few moments stick in my mind from our summer on the road as the very best. Here's a photo of our daughter, Lauren, with Steve and me right after completing a triathlon in Grand Island, NY near Buffalo. Cheering her on were hubby Michael, all three kids, brothers Bob and Dave, two nephews, and one sister-in-law, Jose. Just finishing the event was a high point, as Lauren has suffered with lupus for almost twenty years. We never expected this, but a remission period has allowed her to begin working out and running for the first time since high school. She's my hero.

What do moments like this mean to parents? The world and beyond. Because God gives them like unexpected gifts right when we need them. We had just returned from helping Steve's folks during a health crisis. Today, Lauren is anticipating knee surgery and an injection for back problems. Life goes on, doesn't it. But the best days linger in my mind. There's always cause to celebrate God's goodness.

What's your reason to celebrate today? Can't think of one? I love the sign in the mortician's office, "Any day above the ground is a good day."

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