Thursday, March 31, 2011

Friends, Fans, and Fun!

Something like this should happen to everyone! Out of the blue, my friend Mary (on the left above) delivered a lovely invitation to me. I was invited to a "Thank you, Virelle" luncheon the following week. Imagine that? Every woman needs one of these!

When I arrived, Carol's house was full of flowers, beauty, smiles, and new friends! At every place setting was this creative, beautiful salad, which I'm sure is meant to look like me. Notice the blonde cheddar hair and asparagus upstretched arms! Wow! The table was laden with fruit, flowers, food, and love. I'm enriched and over-thanked.

These dear women have been reading my books, especially Meet Me at the Well, and The Best Life Ain't Easy sharing their stories and insights with one another daily. How blessed I was listening to them, hearing their hearts, and feeling such deep encouragement. One question touched me, did I ever cry when I wrote? Yes, many times, and laughed, remembered, prayed and praised God for His outcomes, His story, His song that emerged. It's all about Him, isn't it? Everything we say and do. God sees His child with love.

A "Thank You" lunch is a bit of Heaven given to someone. Got a friend who needs one today? I'll never forget it.

Thanks for being there, for reading my books, and for your sincere friendship!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

How to Wake up Happy

There was a time when waking up happy challenged me. My first thoughts were, in this order:

1. What time is it?
2. How much sleep did I get?
3. Can I sleep some more?
4. What do I absolutely have to do today that I can't get out of?

Rarely did this change.

Until one day, it occurred to me, just waking up is a good thing. Also, waking up and being able to get up is doubly good. Add to that, waking up, being able to get up and knowing God still loves me makes it very, very good indeed. I am also able to serve Him, love others in His name, and ask for help on those frequent mornings when doing either is not so easy. All in all, a good day.

After all, consider the alternative in this sign in an undertaker's office: "Any day above the ground is a good day." I'd say that's true. How about you?

Make today a very, very good day, my friend, no matter what your facing. God loves you and He is closer than you ever imagined.

Bless ewe,
PS. Like this orchid? My husband bought one just like it and is raising orchids now at home.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Thinking

HI, friends,

Some of the best advice I’ve ever received came from a woman I didn’t like much. But she had a godly mom, and I knew these words came straight from her lips. After I’d downloaded some complaint, she said, “Think the best.” That’s it. Just “Think the best.”

How simple, I thought. I could do that. Maybe when confronted with situations or people that rub me the wrong way and make my nerves dance on edge, if I thought the best thoughts, instead of my usual critical or anxious thoughts, I’d be more in line with God’s thinking.

It’s no big surprise, then, that the Bible tells us in Phil. 4:8 to think about “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Nothing negative on this list, is there?

Yes, it’s an effort at first, but thinking the best gradually gets easier and leads more quickly to prayer, which is always the most excellent thought any one can have.

Virelle Kidder, helping you find the best life there is

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Real or Plastic?

Hi, friends,

Recently I listened to a few of my friends describe the kind of women they loved to spend time with. One said her best buddies were not all Christians, but were real people. Another agreed instantly, saying, “I’m tired of plastic women who are so concerned with how they look and the impression they make on others. I want the real deal in a friend!"

100% agreed! Do you feel the same way? Know what scares me? I wonder, have others seen me as plastic when I’ve taken extra care to have my nails done, worn a favorite outfit, and told only positive things about my life, or (gasp!) boasted about something? The thought makes me cringe.

Among the best gifts God has given me are several friends who offer me perfect freedom to be myself. It’s mutual. Confident they will tell me the truth every time, I feel totally comfortable sharing prayer requests, revealing my own failures, dreams, or struggles and anxieties, knowing I’m still loved and accepted by them. Real friends are unguarded, open and honest, easy to confess to, and gentle in their advice. What a treasure!

Do you have friends like that who are real and not plastic? I trust so. If not, refuse your inner plastic counterpart and ask God for real friends you can always trust. Just like Jesus.

On the same lap,
