Friday, August 12, 2011

Memories of a summer on the road

Memories of a summer on the road. Whew! We are finally home again after six wonderful but long weeks traveling over 4000 miles through 10 states to visit our entire family in New York, plus special times at the Delaware shore with Steve's sisters, his dad, and more family. Here are some special photos, more to come. The first is the discovery of the house our family lived in once. Lo and behold, it's located in the same town where my son and his wife and children live. I thought it was in a neighboring town, and haven't see it in almost 60 years. Amazing. It looks the same.

The next photo is our grandson Lucas at 11 months taking his first triumphant steps. What a joy to watch him toddle to his Mama's arms. This June I also took my first triumphant steps completing my first murder/suspense novel. What fun! It's being edited now and I'm bracing myself for the results.

And finally, here my husband Steve and I are in St. Augustine, FL en route home. No sooner did we unpack a week ago, than we are packing again, heading to Maui for two weeks to celebrate our 45th anniversary. Hard to believe. Soon, very soon, I'll be at home to stay. I think.